Jasper engine
Jasper engine


This stt engine also needs a lexicon file that maps words to phonemes and has to contain all words that Julius shall be able to recognize. If you need help, ask in the respective forums. Please note that we do not offer support for this step. Although VoxForge offers speaker-independent models, you will have to adapt the model and train it with you voice to get good recognition results. You also need an acoustic model in HTK format. phonetisaurus/g014b2b.fst' #optional hmm_dir : ' /usr/share/pocketsphinx/model/hmm/en_US/hub4wsj_sc_8k' #optional Configuring the Julius STT engine If the paths below are incorrect, add the correct paths to your profile.yml: stt_engine : sphinx pocketsphinx : fst_model : '. Then, locate your FST model ( g014b2b.fst) and your Hidden Markov Model directory ( hub4wsj_sc_8k). From privacy and performance standpoints, Pocketsphinx/Julius are superior solutions. We also do not recommend using Internet-connected STT engines for passive listening. If you don’t want Google, and AT&T to be able to listen to everything you say, do not use these STT engines! In this case, use PocketSphinx instead. Important: Except PocketSphinx and Julius, all of the above STT engines transfer the microphone data over the internet. Regular users are most likely better suited with one of the other STT engines listed here. Please note that you will need to train your own acoustic model, which is a very complex task that we do not provide support for. It does not need an active internet connection.

  • Julius is a high-performance open source speech recognition engine.
  • Like you’d expect from a cloud service, you also need an active internet connection.
  • STT relies on the cloud services and uses crowdsourcing to train speech recognition algorithms.
  • Like Google Speech, it also performs decoding online and thus needs an active internet connection.
  • AT&T STT is a speech decoder by the telecommunications company AT&T.
  • It can only transcribe a limited amount of speech a day and needs an active internet connection.


    If you have an Android smartphone, you might already be familiar with it, because it’s basically the same engine that performs recognition if you say OK, Google.

  • Google STT is the speech-to-text system by Google.
  • It’s the right thing to use if you’re cautious with your personal data. you don’t need an active internet connection to use it. On the other hand, recognition will be performed offline, i.e.

    jasper engine

    Unfortunately, the recognition rate is not the best and it has a lot of dependencies. It’s fast and designed to work well on embedded systems (like the Raspberry Pi).

  • Pocketsphinx is an open-source speech decoder by the CMU Sphinx project.
  • While most speech-recognition tools only rely on one single STT engine, Jasper tries to be modular and thus offers a wide variety of STT engines: So choosing the right STT engine is crucial to use Jasper correctly. If you say “foo”, but Jasper understands “bar”, it’s either a problem with your microphone or a bad or misconfigured STT engine.


    An STT engine is basically a piece of software that takes recorded speech and transforms it into written text. You need to choose which Speech-To-Text (STT) engine Jasper should use. The Gmail address can be entered alone (without a password) and will be used to send you notifications if you configure a Mailgun account, as described below.


    This password allows Jasper to report on incoming emails and send you text or email notifications, but be aware that the password will be stored as plaintext in profile.yml. Of course, this is purely optional and will never leave the device. Important: will request your Gmail password. By default, the resulting profile will be stored as a YML file at ~/.jasper/profile.yml.

    jasper engine

    The process is fairly self-explanatory: fill in the requested information, or hit ‘Enter’ to defer at any step. To facilitate the process, run the profile population module that comes packaged with Jasper cd ~/jasper/client In order for Jasper to accurately report local weather conditions, send you text messages, and more, you first need to generate a user profile.

    jasper engine

    Jasper needs a configuration file that we call “profile”. Configuring Jasper Generating a user profile

    Jasper engine